Thursday, November 29, 2007

Oral Arguments In Cadet Webster Smith Case 16 Jan 2008.

The U.S. Coast Guard Court of Criminal Appeals has scheduled oral arguments in the Case of The Appeal of the Court-martial Conviction of Cadet Webster Smith for January 16, 2008 in Arlington, Virginia.
A legal brief filed by his lawyers claims the convictions should be thrown out because the defense team was not allowed to fully cross-examine one of his accusers during Smith's court martial. They say that meant the jury didn't hear testimony that the accuser, a female cadet, Shelly Raudenbush, had once had consensual sex with a Coast Guard enlisted man and then called it sexual assault.

"The excluded cross-examination would have devastated (the accuser's) credibility, on which the government's case depended completely, making it all but certain that the outcome in this pure credibility contest would have been different," according to the brief.

Lt. Cmdr. Patrick M. Flynn, the government's lawyer for the appeal, said 27 November that the jury "heard enough" and the trial judge was within his rights to impose reasonable limits on the cross-examination.
"They didn't need to hear the additional details the defense is arguing they should have been allowed to hear."
The defense also is asking the court to set aside Smith's convictions on two lesser charges of failing to obey an order and abandoning watch.

Lawyers from the WilmerHale law firm for former Coast Guard cadet Webster Smith also contend in their legal brief “The excluded cross-examination would have devastated Shelly Raudenbush's(the accuser's) credibility, on which the government's case depended completely, making it all but certain that the outcome in this pure credibility contest would have been different."
The convictions on the three charges were based on the testimony of the female cadet, who said Smith coerced her by threatening to reveal a secret she had confided in him. That secret was about the past relationship.
Besides the question of whether the military judge abused his discretion, oral arguments will focus on whether Smith's conviction for sodomy was constitutional and whether the government proved the extortion charge.
Smith's lawyers argue that Smith engaged in private, consensual sexual activity with another adult and should not be punished.

Smith's lawyers said the evidence does not prove the extortion charge because prosecutors did not demonstrate a direct link between the female cadet's presumption of a threat and a sexual encounter, which occurred a few hours apart. She said Smith told her he needed more “motivation” to keep her secret, according to the records.

Criminal sanctions cannot be based on the subjective perceptions of the recipient of a communication, perceptions that the communicator plainly cannot control,” Smith's lawyers argued in the records.
The court may hear arguments about the failing to obey an order and abandoning watch charges or issue a ruling based on the briefs filed by both sides.

The defense also is asking the court to set aside Smith's convictions on two lesser charges of failing to obey an order and abandoning watch.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces

450 E Street, Northwest

Washington, D.C. 20442-0001


United States v. Webster M. Smith, No. 08-0719/CG

(Appellee) (Appellant)

Counsel for Appellant: Ronald C. Machen, Esq.

Counsel for Appellee: LT Emily P. Reuter, USCG

Case Summary: GCM conviction of going from place of duty, attempting to disobey an order, sodomy, extortion, and indecent assault. Granted issue questions whether the military judge violated Appellant’s constitutional right to confront his accusers by limiting his cross-examination of [SR], the government’s only witness, on three of the five charges.

NOTE: Counsel for each side will be allotted 20 minutes to present oral argument in this case.


ichbinalj said...

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. It is about time. The Mills of the Gods grind slowly but exceedingly fine. Let Justice be done through the Heavens fall.

ichbinalj said...

Marvin Kierstead wrote: "My Name is Marvin Kierstead. I was recently
> guided to a blog posting of
>your's by my friend, Doug Genna. I found your thoughts on the witness, Shelly Raudenbush, of the Webster Smith case interesting and accurate in that I can confirm allegations about her past. Not
> only am I one of the Boys of Council Rock Class of 2002 which you wrote of, but I too am one of
> Shelly's high school boyfriends. After dating
> Shelly for the first few
> weeks during my senior year, I found that she had cheated on Doug with me at the start of our relationship. Since then, Doug and
> I have become friends. This act of infidelity on Shelly's part was not an isolated occurance. In
> fact, Doug's involvment with Shelly started as a result of her cheating on another friend of mine. My relationship with Shelly
> ended during the summer after our senior year of high school. As we went to different colleges,
> Shelly and I promised to stay faithful towards one another in continuing our relationship. It turned out that she took the
> first opportunity to betray me with a fellow Coast Guard Cadet. A close friend of Shelly's
> informed me of this and added that Shelly laughed about her infidelity and claimed she would do it again if given the chance.
I apologize for making this message as lenghty as it is, but I
> feel I should validate a claim that was stated in you blog. I enjoyed what you wrote, but cannot say it came as a suprise. Thank you for your time.
Marvin Kierstead

ichbinalj said...

Doug Genna wrote;
"Dear Sir,
I stumbled upon your blog, and comments on the Webster Smith article. I am going to be honest with you, Shelly Raudenbush and I grew up in Pennsylvania. Gradauted from Council Rock High school in 2002. She attended the Coast Guard academy. Shelly and I dated in high school, and she was not the most faithful of girlfriends, and I know of other guys she dated, whom she cheated on. So I was wondering if she was actually the other party involved in Cadet Smith's trial, especially since all other articles involving Webster Smith fail to mention her.
I assumed since Shelly Raudenbush isn't exactly a common name that it was the same person. Shelly did move to our school, when we were in elementary school. The Shelly that I know was very active with the track team.
I assure you I am not out for any kind of revenge, I am more or less just curious about an old acquaintance, and if she is a party to all of this, and what you say is true, then I have great sympathy for Mr. Smith.

Thank you for your time.


Doug Genna

ichbinalj said...

God-Fearing said: "Perhaps the truth will prevail and justice will finally be served...the prosecutors felt that it was enough information but I know, personally, that the jurors were looking for more. The kid didn't have a chance in hell...scary thought if truth really was on his side."

ichbinalj said...

Ausbesseur said: "This is total BS. Justice will prevail and Smith will win his appeal. The Academy and that girl who accused Smith (who had a relationship with an enlistee) should be utterly ashamed of themselves. My opinion of the Academy has gone down the tubes since this whole charade first began."

ichbinalj said...

RI made this comment: "They all should have been kicked out. They were all wrong...including the girl from the Naval Acad. There is too much we don't know on all sides and they all broke the rules. "

ichbinalj said...

International Herald Tribune - France
(The Associated Press) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2007
Lawyers for a former cadet who was the first student court-martialed in the 130-year history of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy's are seeking to reverse his convictions for sexual misconduct.

ichbinalj said...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces

450 E Street, Northwest

Washington, D.C. 20442-0001


United States v. Webster M. Smith, No. 08-0719/CG

(Appellee) (Appellant)

Counsel for Appellant: Ronald C. Machen, Esq.

Counsel for Appellee: LT Emily P. Reuter, USCG

Case Summary: GCM conviction of going from place of duty, attempting to disobey an order, sodomy, extortion, and indecent assault. Granted issue questions whether the military judge violated Appellant’s constitutional right to confront his accusers by limiting his cross-examination of [SR], the government’s only witness, on three of the five charges.

NOTE: Counsel for each side will be allotted 20 minutes to present oral argument in this case.