Long before the Band of Brothers hit the screen, it was unwritten law for the U S military to leave no man behind. In this day and age, we can expand that to say "Leave no man or woman behind".
A third-class female cadet, a sophomore, USCGA Class of 2010, and a male enlisted man claimed two Mexican policemen assaulted them after they came ashore from skinny-dipping at the beach during the pre-dawn hours in Veracruz, Mexico.
It appears that female 3/c Cadet Jane Doe and the enlisted man may have been swimming or cavorting on the beach while the two policemen hid behind some rocks and surprised them when they came out of the ocean.
Cadet Jane Doe said the police officers attempted to handcuff them, and forced her to perform oral sex on one of them.
The Eagle docked Friday in Veracruz and left on Monday. Cadet Jane Doe and the enlisted man are still in Mexico working with authorities. The ship, CGC EAGLE, is continuing on its summer training program. It is due to arrive in Miami on July 27 as its next port call.
The Coast Guard Academy can look forward to some rude awakenings in this case. I dare say they have little or no experience in dealing with Mexico and corrupt Mexican officials. They made a big mistake in leaving a teenage female cadet and an enlisted man in Mexican custody. Someone had better fly to Mexico quickly and carry plenty of CASH. This is not the Cadet Webster Smith case and the Rule of Law. In Mexico, money talks and justice walks.
The Commanding Officer of the Eagle is out of his mind. If I had been CO, that ship would never have sailed without every cadet and crewman on board.
There would be no reason to leave cadets or crewmen behind if they were only witnesses to an investigation. That is an easy call. Take their statements and let them leave on the ship. They could even fly back whenever and if ever there was a trial. This case will never see a trial.
These two kids are going to be charged. That is why they were not allowed to leave Mexico. Mommie and Daddy and the Coast Guard Academy are going to have to come up with some CASH, and a lot of it.
Silvina Morales, the prosecutor's office agent in charge of the case, indicated that a Complaint had been drafted; and according to the complaint, the female cadet and the enlisted man decided to swim at a local beach. She said the two policemen apparently hid behind some rocks and surprised the swimmers when they came out of the ocean.. They could be charged with almost anything; such as, public drunkenness, swimming nude on a public beach, public indecency, drunk and disorderly, having sex in public, assaulting a police officer, refusal to cooperate with a police officer, being on the beach after dark or sundown. They may have entered a closed or secured area.

Nevertheless, we will not rest until these two brave young Americans are returned to American soil.
Even if the female cadet and the enlisted man are eventually released from Mexican custody, this case will be far from over.
What standard will be used to dispose of this case? The Webster Smith Standard, where the female cadet gets no discipline? Shelly Raudenbush had a torrid fling with a Navy enlisted man in Norfolk, Virginia and went on to be the Star Witness against Webster Smith. She received complete immunity for fraternizing with a Navy enlisted man, and Webster Smith was convicted, essentially, for keeping her secret.
Or, will it be the Shelly Raudenbush Standard where the female cadet gets immunity from prosecution, no charges for fraternizing with an enlisted man?
Or the Cadet John Miller Standard where the local authorities take care of resolving the case and the cadet is returned to duty with a warning to be more discrete next time?
Either way, the female cadet corps has the Wisniewski Curse? Or, perhaps it is the Shelly Raudenbush Curse? Either way, the Coast Guard albatross is still there around the neck of the Coast Guard Academy. Until the Webster Smith travesty is resolved fairly, and Webster Smith is given his Commission and his degree, and his record is wiped clean, the cadets will continue to suffer these terribly embarrassing incidents.
The torch has been passed to a new Gender, and the females continue to get a free ride with no ethical accountability. With each Academy entering class containing more and more females, the Coast Guard Academy can look forward to more of the same, underway as before and steady as she goes.

LATE BREAKING NEWS: On or about Tuesday, 24 July, 3/c Cadet Jane Doe was repatriated to Miami, Florida to her family. Not as big as Elian Gonzales, but just as emotional. She is awaiting the arrival of the CGC Eagle with the rest of her classmates. The skids were greased and she was released. She will have the best sea story to tell from this cadet summer training cruise.
What deal was struck with the Devil to secure her release?
Was she an unfortunate victim of circumstances, or a victim of her own bad judgment?
Natalie Granger, a Coast Guard spokeswoman, said U.S. officials are working with the Mexican government on the investigation. She said the details of the investigation could not be released until the work is complete, and she could not say how long that would take. The two policemen were charged with robbery, abuse of authority and sexual misconduct.
12 Jan 2008, Update: White Teenage Female Cadet Claims Sexual assault By Mexican Police on Veracruz Beach.Two Mexican law enforcement officers accused of assaulting a white female Coast Guard Academy third class cadet and a Black enlisted crew member stationed onboard the Coast Guard Academy training ship USCGC Eagle are still in jail.
The incident occurred during a port call in Veracruz, Mexico, in mid-July 2007.
The case is under review by the First Criminal Court in Veracruz, and the judge has not issued a final decision, according to a Coast Guard Academy spokesman.
The U.S. Embassy has just received a verbal update from the Mexican court.
According to that update, the accused police officers filed an appeal against their imprisonment, and a federal court denied the appeal, but the criminal court is expecting a new appeal. Mexican courts are like German jokes, they are not funny and you never know where they are going or how they will come out.
The third-class female cadet and the male crew member said the police officers attempted to handcuff them, stole some of their possessions, threatened them and forced the female to perform oral sex on one of them, while they were on liberty after a late night swim at a beach in Veracruz, Mexico.
The two policemen have allegedly been charged with robbery, abuse of authority and sexual misconduct.
Jasmine Virginia said:
"Which crime are you referring too? A third class cadet with an enlisted crew member swimming naked on the beach or the fact that American citizens, a young man and a young girl were left in Mexico. These are alleged charges and we don't know the entire story, maybe the 3c female cadet and enlisted crew member are facing charges is the reason they could not leave Mexico on the Eagle when it left for Miami. I think The Coast Guard Personnel would never have left these precious Americans in the hands of a foreign government if they could have released them from custody. Let us pray for their safe return."
That was a bad idea. I would never under any circumstances leave a minor in a foreign country,
especially Mexico.
I suspect the female spoke Spanish, and she may have even been Mexican. That may be why the police picked on them on the beach, not knowing who they
However, the cadets could have always been flown back to Mexico for a trial or investigation. Thay
should have never been left there.
The parents should be furious. I would be on the first flight to Mexico to get my child, if they have not been charged with a crime and denied bail by the local authorities.
LATE BREAKING NEWS: On or about Tuesday, 24 July, 3/c Cadet Jane Doe was repatriated to Miami, Florida to her family. Not as big as Elian Gonzales, but just as emotional. She is awaiting the arrival of the CGC Eagle with the rest of her classmates. The skids were greased and she was released. She will have the best sea story to tell from this cadet summer training cruise.
What deal was struck with the Devil to secure her release?
Was she an unfortunate victim of circumstances, or a victim of her own bad judgment?
New London — The Coast Guard cadet and enlisted crew member on the CGC Eagle who said they were assaulted by two Mexican law enforcement officers have returned home.
A third-class female cadet and the male crew member alleged the assault happened while they were on liberty at the Mexican Gulf Coast port city of Veracruz on July 13.
The Eagle left Veracruz, but the cadet and the crew member stayed in Mexico to work with authorities on the investigation. They both returned to the Coast Guard Academy on Friday, met with counselors, and then went on leave to spend time with their families.
Natalie Granger, a Coast Guard spokeswoman, said U.S. officials are working with the Mexican government on the investigation. She said the details of the investigation could not be released until the work is complete, and she could not say how long that would take.
The two policemen were charged with robbery, abuse of authority and sexual misconduct.
Jennifer Grogan 24 July, The Day.
Peter Stinson at Tidewater Musings writes: This morning, Jennifer Grogan of the New London Day reports, Cadet, Eagle Crew Member Home After Alleged Assault: Probe of Mexican police officers' actions continues.
Mr. Steverson jumped the shark with this one. Hey, I would have too with all my prognostications. Anyway, Mr. Steverson said, "They made a big mistake in leaving a teenage female cadet and an enlisted man in Mexican custody. Someone had better fly to Mexico quickly and carry plenty of CASH." Thankfully, he was wrong, and both the cadet and the enlisted member are back home.
But, Mr. Steverson was not wrong in writing about the incident or in making his comments & analysis. Perhaps it is because of reporting like his that ensured these two Coasties wouldn't find themselves in a Midnight Express scenario, lost to all times in the depths of some penal system best not experienced.
My only question is this: How'd I not pick up on this in the mainstream media?
Did you say "jumped the shark"?
Well, my father was King Neptune and my mother was a mermaid. I was born on the crest of a wave and rocked in the cradle of the deep. My eyes are stars; my teeth are spars; my hair is hemp and seaweed; and, when I spits, I spits tar. I'se tough. I is; I am; I are.
Believe me, my friend, this story has legs. It is far from over. We, the Coast Guard, the female cadet, and the enlisted man were lucky early in the game. But, this game may have 9 innings. The Mexicans are good in the late innings. Expect them to throw some curves.
12 Jan 2008, Update: White Teenage Female Cadet Claims Sexual assault By Mexican Police on Veracruz Beach.
Two Mexican law enforcement officers accused of assaulting a white female Coast Guard Academy third class cadet and a Black enlisted crew member stationed onboard the Coast Guard Academy training ship USCGC Eagle are still in jail.
The incident occurred during a port call in Veracruz, Mexico, in mid-July 2007.
The case is under review by the First Criminal Court in Veracruz, and the judge has not issued a final decision, according to a Coast Guard Academy spokesman.
The U.S. Embassy has just received a verbal update from the Mexican court.
According to that update, the accused police officers filed an appeal against their imprisonment, and a federal court denied the appeal, but the criminal court is expecting a new appeal. Mexican courts are like German jokes, they are not funny and you never know where they are going or how they will come out.
The third-class female cadet and the male crew member said the police officers attempted to handcuff them, stole some of their possessions, threatened them and forced the female to perform oral sex on one of them, while they were on liberty after a late night swim at a beach in Veracruz, Mexico.
The two policemen have allegedly been charged with robbery, abuse of authority and sexual misconduct.
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